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Lead in Brass Materials

A discontinued model? Probably.

Lead is a technical all-rounder, especially as an alloying element. The material fulfills many technical functions in copper alloys, during production and in products themselves. From tightness, machinability and corrosion resistance to various mechanical properties. Nevertheless, lead is under pressure, primarily due to health concerns. 

In 2018, lead was added to the candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHC). 

The fact that lead is on the REACH candidate list has led to information obligations in the supply chain since 2018 and reporting obligations in the SCIP database (Substances of Concern In Products) since the beginning of 2021.  

Further restrictions are likely to be imposed on distributors and users of lead-containing components. The European Chemicals Agency ECHA is proposing to include lead in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation. 

This would mean that lead may no longer be used without authorization after a transitional period.


What is that anyway?

REACH has been in force since 2007 and is intended to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment. At the same time, it is intended to ensure the free movement of chemicals on the internal market and promote competitiveness and innovation. REACH is based on the principle that manufacturers, importers and downstream users take responsibility for their chemicals.
for their chemicals. They must ensure that the chemicals they manufacture and place on the market are used safely. The REACH regulation is considered to be one of the strictest chemicals laws in the world and is valid in all EU countries.


Suggestion list

The ECHA has proposed including lead in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, which makes a ban on placing on the market or strict authorization likely from 2028.

The revised Drinking Water Ordinance will also come into force - this regulates the release of lead from a material into drinking water.

Discussions within the EU

The first ECHA positive list will come into force - this lists materials that are safe in contact with drinking water. Discussions will take place within the EU Commission until the beginning of 2025.

Amendment Annex 14

The EU Commission decides whether to ban lead as a substance (REACH). If this is the case, only requested exemptions may continue to be used.

Approval phase

The transitional period for the ECHA positive list ends. From this point on, only the safe materials on this list may be placed on the market.

Lead ban?

The transitional period of the Drinking Water Ordinance ends. From this point on, only materials that meet the lead release values of the regulation may be put into circulation. 

The REACH transitional period ends. From this point on, only materials that fulfill the lead values of this regulation may be put into circulation.


You can rely on our expertise.


Together prepared for tomorrow

Our vertical range of manufacture and the processing of a wide variety of alloys make us experts in this field. We have been testing numerous alloys and converting entire product ranges to lead-free material for more than 10 years. Our experience and know-how enable us to provide our customers with the best possible advice on the conversion of alloys. We accompany the entire process from analysis to dispatch.

We are in constant contact with our suppliers in order to continuously expand our portfolio of lead-free materials. As a member of GMS (Gesamtverband Messing Sanitär), we have a cross-industry network that allows us to work with other partners to test the suitability and usability of new lead-free materials.
We are also a member of the German Copper Association and can therefore actively participate in the work of the Copper Institute. We have direct access to the latest information and are in direct contact with experts at European and national level through our association work, giving us access to decades of industry knowledge. 

Based on our many years of experience in the processing of non-ferrous metals, we are able to provide our customers with detailed and objective advice on material issues.


Do you have any questions about REACH?

Hans-Dieter Ufermann will be happy to be your contact person.


Hans-Dieter Ufermann

Management Board | R & D