Lead in Brass Materials
A discontinued model? Probably.
Lead is a technical all-rounder, especially as an alloying element. The material fulfills many technical functions in copper alloys, during production and in products themselves. From tightness, machinability and corrosion resistance to various mechanical properties. Nevertheless, lead is under pressure, primarily due to health concerns.
In 2018, lead was added to the candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHC).
The fact that lead is on the REACH candidate list has led to information obligations in the supply chain since 2018 and reporting obligations in the SCIP database (Substances of Concern In Products) since the beginning of 2021.
Further restrictions are likely to be imposed on distributors and users of lead-containing components. The European Chemicals Agency ECHA is proposing to include lead in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation.
This would mean that lead may no longer be used without authorization after a transitional period.