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Casting technology

Casting technology

In the area of casting technology, we have selected certified partners at our side. 

Casting tools are manufactured using state-of-the-art CNC machining centers in order to meet today's requirements for the highest possible precision.

We rely on highly wear-resistant hot-work tool steels and beryllium copper materials as the base materials for the casting tools. These materials not only guarantee outstanding wear resistance, but also maximum tool life. By using these innovative materials, we strive to achieve optimum economy and efficiency in production.

Technologies Solid castings Cast parts with inserts Castings with sand cores
Unit weight up to 7kg    
Lot sizes 50 - 20,000 pieces    

So why choose BEULCO?

BEULCO stands for the highest precision, quality and customer satisfaction. Our commitment to innovation and our focus on first-class manufacturing make us a reliable partner for your products. We work closely with our customers to understand their requirements and offer customized solutions. 

If you are looking for high-precision metal components that meet the highest quality standards, BEULCO is the right choice. 

On behalf of our customers, we represent their interests in standardization committees and bodies. We use this network to transfer knowledge to our customer projects. This enables us to ensure that materials, manufacturing processes and approvals meet current and, above all, future requirements.

Pressing technology

Learn more about our services in the field of pressing.

Machining technology

Learn more about our services in the field of turning and machining.