Tapping valves are special devices that are required for a house connection in order to connect an existing water connection to the main pipe. Our partner Rehbein Armaturen has over 100 years of experience in the development and production of tapping valves. This is the right place for your project.
Sealing surfaces
The plastic inner lining on models 250, 752 and 762 not only protects against deposits but also serves as a sealing surface. This has the advantage that no elastomer seals are required - thus avoiding misalignment and porosity.
In models 290 and 295, sealing is ensured by PTFE sealing rings.
Vario seal/ variable foot
(Model 250, 290 and 295)
The fitting base with integrated Vario seal can be used for cast iron, steel and AZ pipes in the dimensions DN 80-500. The cooperating seal adapts to the dimensions of the pipe. This means that the same fitting can be used for every pipe type and pipe dimension. The sealing material complies with the KTW recommendations of the UBA and the requirements of DVGW worksheet W 270.
VLUX® connection technology
The VLUX® connection is a threadless technology for a simple, quick and clean connection without additional sealing. In addition to the usual threaded outlets, the fittings can also be equipped with the VLUX® system. The VLUX® system creates a threadless outlet connection and allows the variable use of all common connection fittings.
Tapping Valves
the secure connection
They are important for:
Laying new connections: Tapping fittings are used to add new water connections to an existing piping system without disconnecting or interrupting the main line. This is particularly important when additional buildings or units are to be connected to the existing supply network.
Repair and maintenance: For repairs or maintenance work on existing water pipes, it may be necessary to temporarily interrupt the pipe. Tapping fittings allow the connection to be re-established after the work has been completed without having to shut down the entire system.
Extension of the supply network: When extending a supply network, for example in industry or in larger residential areas, tapping valves can be used to add new connection points to the main line. This makes it easier to supply several locations from a central main line.
It is important to note that the use of tapping valves must be carefully planned and properly executed to ensure that they do not cause leaks or damage to the main pipes. In addition, local regulations and safety guidelines must be followed to ensure the integrity of the supply system.