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Valve tapping clamp for cast iron, steel and AZ pipe DIN 80-500 with top outlet and ball shut-off valve

Further Informationen

Ball valve with auxiliary and service shut-off for water up to PN 16 (optionally for gas up to PN 5) and for top tapping 1" - 1½" under operating pressure. Threaded outlet 1" - 1½" parallel to the supply line. Connection piece with extremely low overall height. Outlet by means of elbow fitting. Pre- and main shut-off with externally driven, chrome-plated switching ball. Nominal size range DN 80 - 500 with only one connection piece with patented Vario seal. Sealing material is DVGW-certified to KTW/W 270. 

Area of application 

  • for cast iron, steel and AZ pipes DN 80 - 500 
  • for sluiceless tapping under pressure without auxiliary valve 
  • for water up to PN 16 
  • optionally for gas up to PN 5