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Start your Bachelor's degree - we support you

Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

Study while working

The Bachelor's degree programme in Industrial Engineering and Management teaches general and complementary content from the fields of mechanical engineering and economics. You will learn about technical and economic topics and become familiar with the different ways of thinking and issues in both fields.
Based on these different subject areas, you will later have the opportunity to focus on a wide range of specialisation fields.



8 semesters
(start of semester: September)

University degree

Bachelor of Sience (B. Sc.)

Educational institution

University of Siegen

Programme of study

In the first four semesters of the degree programme, you will initially learn a broad range of basics that you will need for your future studies and career. You will enter directly into both specialisation areas of your degree course and learn the basics of mathematics and engineering as well as relevant business subjects.

In the following semesters, you will then build on this and delve deeper into the subject matter. Here you will be introduced to the various compulsory elective areas with specialised subject areas. By choosing a specialised business administration subject, you can acquire an individual training profile according to your personal interests. 

In the final semesters, you will write your Bachelor's thesis and complete a specialised internship. The internship gives you an insight into the future professional world of an industrial engineer. This allows you to test your theoretical knowledge in practice and gives you an idea of how practical issues are related to theoretical knowledge.


After graduation

Many processes in business life take place at the interface between the business and technical sectors (e.g. construction/product design, technical sales, production, materials management, logistics, customer service, controlling, plant and facility management, human resources management). There are numerous so-called "megatrends", such as product life cycles that are much shorter than in the past or the need to commercialise new technical ideas very quickly (time-to-market problem, concurrent engineering). As a result, process chains that were previously handled sequentially must now be parallelised to a greater extent in order to achieve the speeds required today. This is why specialists and managers are needed at these interfaces who have a background in both economics and engineering.

Industrial engineers can be found in almost all areas of the economy. It is astonishing that they often replace business economists or engineers in areas of activity where relatively specialised business or technical knowledge is required. The majority of industrial engineers work in the manufacturing industry.

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