The GMS members are now officially transferring to the Copper Association and will continue their tasks within the Copper Association in a newly founded Brass Plumbing Committee.
Employees rated BEULCO with a 100% recommendation rate and 4.3 out of 5 stars on the employer rating platform Kununu. The result: BEULCO was presented with the "Top Company 2023" award.
A project group developed the desire to create something for the community as a team. What initially started out as a charitable idea turned out to be a joint project that strengthened cooperation and allowed the creativity of colleagues to blossom.
From March 13 - 17, 2023, BEULCO invites all interested parties, partners and customers to inform themselves about the future topics of the industry in Hall 4.0 at Stand B47.
A big anniversary celebration was already planned for 2020, but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus situation. As a result, 23 employees from the last 4 years were honored for their 25 and 40 years of service and 10 employees were given a well-deserved retirement.
Ranga Yogeshwar honors BEULCO GmbH & Co. KG from Attendorn on the occasion of its success in the TOP 100 innovation competition.