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Anniversary celebration at BEULCO
More than 1,000 years of service

Date: 21.11.2022

Festive anniversary celebration at BEULCO

More than 1,000 years of service

A big anniversary celebration was already planned for 2020, but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus situation. As a result, 23 employees from the last 4 years were honored for their 25 or 40 years of service and 10 employees were bid farewell to their well-deserved retirement.

In his opening speech at Schnellenberg Castle, Managing Director Jürgen Christian Schütz thanked the employees for their many years of loyalty and commitment to the company. Schütz once again used figures to illustrate the enormous amount of work, dedication and outstanding commitment of the honorees. They have completed more than 1,000 years of service. This corresponds to approximately 1.5 million working hours in the service of the company.

"An event like this is a good reason to forget about everyday working life for a moment and thank people for everything they have achieved in their professional lives so far. They have all contributed to the company's success," continued Schütz.

This was followed by individual laudations and tributes to the respective jubilarians and retirees. In addition to their professional careers, some amusing anecdotes of the honorees were shared.

All jubilarians and retirees received a BEULCO pin and a gift in addition to their certificate.