We consistently draw up rules and guidelines that apply within the workforce. These include travel guidelines that massively restrict air travel, for example, and promote the use of public transport. New purchasing rules specify cooperation with regional suppliers and updated fleet rules specify the use of electric vehicles.
Act instead of react
Motivate, Driving forward, Do
In its 2030 Agenda, the United Nations formulated 17 goals for sustainable development that call on all countries to take action. With its "Green Deal", the European Commission has set itself the goal of making Europe the first continent to achieve climate neutrality. At the same time, awareness of sustainability is growing among the population.
This brings with it many challenges - for society, politics and the economy. In order to overcome these, everyone needs to get involved, show commitment and face up to the challenges associated with these developments. This starts locally. In the region, in the cities, in the companies. The town of Attendorn has set itself the goal of being climate-neutral by 2030 under the motto "emissions down - added value up". A goal that can only be achieved hand in hand with local industry.
We at BEULCO have also developed a sustainability strategy that focuses on the topic in all its facets. We want to act rather than react - and when it comes to sustainability, we always focus on the balance between the three dimensions of ecology, economy and social responsibility. We want to shape developments and not just react to requirements. We are convinced that companies that integrate sustainability into their day-to-day work have advantages in the market, in customer acquisition and employee retention. To this end, we have developed a target image that visualizes the most important aspects of sustainability at BEULCO.
A strategic agenda was drawn up in 2022 to implement the mission statement. In developing and implementing the sustainability strategy, Beulco is guided by the UN's SDGs as well as regional and global climate protection targets and social standards. Our sustainability strategy focuses on five central fields of action, which are also visible in the target image.
Central fields of action
Value creation processes
This area of action includes sustainability-related activities with regard to internal, direct operations and production. These, including the upstream, production-relevant value creation processes at suppliers and partners, must be designed to be low-emission and resource-efficient.
Products and customer relationships
This area of action includes measures relating to a more sustainable design of the end products manufactured and sold by Beulco (e.g. development of new products or improved or more sustainable composition of the materials required for the end products) as well as sales structures and customer relationships.
Working environment and employees
In this area of action, measures relating to the sustainable design of employees' working conditions are pursued and regulations are developed to promote sustainability awareness among all employees.
Social responsibility
Beulco accepts its responsibility as a company in society and the region and supports sustainability activities with measures in this field of action by supporting social and ecological projects. Beulco aspires to act as a role model.
New business models
For Beulco, the development of society as a whole towards a greater focus on sustainability offers great entrepreneurial opportunities that we would like to exploit by developing new sustainability-related business models and fields.

Focus creates orientation
We align with the United Nations' Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our focus is on the following sustainability goals:
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production.
More about our focus topics
Key factor for innovation
With the corporate strategy BEULCO 2025, we have made digitization a focal point. It permeates the entire organization, including production, products, processes, and business models.
Culture & Organization
The intersection between the digitalization and sustainability strategies is the agile organization at the center of our actions. It connects all areas and serves as the foundation for successful implementation. Ultimately, it is the employees who drive progress and make BEULCO successful.
Do you have questions about sustainability at BEULCO?
Matthias Parlings is available as a contact person for any questions regarding sustainability at BEULCO.
Matthias Parlings
Management Board| Head of Transformation & Business Development