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In focus: Drinking water fountains in public spaces

Average temperatures have risen in recent years. The increase has been particularly noticeable in the summer months. Dried-up streams and rivers as well as wildfires are considerable consequences for nature. But the high temperatures also pose challenges for people. Dehydration increases the number of rescue missions - and this in a healthcare system that is already very busy or even overburdened.

Datum: 27.10.2023 | Lesezeit: 5 Min.

New laws

In order to counteract this, the German government wants to establish as many public access points to clean drinking water as possible.

The draft law passed by the federal government stipulates that in future, the provision of tap water through drinking water fountains in public places will also be part of the public water supply as a public service. To this end, drinking water fountains are to be installed in publicly accessible locations in towns and municipalities. However, it is not only the consequences of increasing global warming that are to be mitigated with the installation of piped outdoor drinking water fountains, but also the achievement of the 17 sustainability goals of the EU, to which Germany has committed itself by 2030, is to be accelerated.

It is also not entirely irrelevant that a piped water supply can reduce CO2 emissions, as it is expected that the production and transportation of water bottles will decrease.

Heat protection plan for health

On July 28, 2023, an initial, concrete heat protection plan for the summer was presented by the Minister of Health, Prof. Karl Lauterbach. The increasing heatwaves in Germany require immediate action. Representatives from the care sector, cities and municipalities, the medical profession and the scientific community all agree on this. Corresponding recommendations for action were defined for the 8 core elements. The topic of "Long-term urban planning and construction" also includes the installation of permanently installed drinking water dispensers in public spaces.

What needs to be considered when designing a well with regard to DVGW W274?

The fountains must be designed to be barrier-free and wheelchair users must be able to access them from the side. The operating elements must not exceed a height of 80 - 100 cm. The water outlet and drain should be protected against blockages. A sign with the words "Drinking water" - also in Braille and Braille - ensures that visually impaired people can also identify it.

Another important point when supplying drinking water from public fountains is hygiene. The leaflet also defines a number of requirements in this regard. For example, the tapping point must have an unobstructed, free outlet that is easy to clean - any contamination should be immediately recognizable. All materials that come into contact with drinking water must be suitable for drinking water and meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance. This also means that the principles of drinking water hygiene specified therein must be observed. These include, for example, the avoidance of stagnation, regular maintenance and microbiological tests as well as the maintenance of an operating manual. The respective health authorities are responsible for monitoring compliance.

How do I find access to public drinking water?

Many cities already operate drinking water facilities in public spaces. In order for these to be used by as many people as possible, it is important to know where they are located. To this end, wvgw-Verlag has published the website, where you can both register and find drinking water points. The "Drinking water on the go" app is ideal for people on the move. This can be installed free of charge directly from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Legal requirements for the construction of public drinking water wells

When constructing public drinking water wells, factors such as safety, hygiene and technology must be taken into account. In January 2022, the DVGW W 274 Code of Practice created a basis for this.

It sets out the requirements for the planning, construction, operation and self-monitoring of public drinking water wells. The code of practice thus ensures a high safety standard for public drinking water wells.

Where should drinking water fountains be installed?

DVGW Code of Practice W274 recommends carrying out a needs assessment before selecting a location; all population groups should have unhindered access to drinking water.

There is usually a need for drinking water fountains at the following locations:

  • Public sports and exercise areas (e.g. skate parks, fitness trails)
  • heavily frequented green spaces and squares (e.g. market squares)
  • densely built-up areas in the city with a high user potential
  • Pedestrian zones and shopping areas
  • Heat islands in the city, recreational areas
  • School centers and universities (educational landscapes)
  • Outdoor areas of cultural institutions (e.g. in front of museums, theaters)
  • Intersections of cycle paths and hiking trails
  • Local and long-distance public transport stations and airports
  • Rest areas on busy roads or highways
  • Tourist locations

For safe and hygienic drinking water

The use of drinking water wells extends the connections to the drinking water network, which also increases the risk of possible contamination of the pipe network. According to the Drinking Water Ordinance, drinking water must be of such quality "that its consumption or use is not likely to cause harm to human health". To ensure this, there are many rules and standards in Germany regarding the handling of drinking water. For example, it must be ensured for the entire water supply system that no risks arise for the consumer.

The BEULCO drinking water fountain was developed with the focus on ensuring the best possible safety and maintaining hygiene. Not only does it meet all the requirements of DVGW 274, it also has other advantages. Both the cover over the outlet and the service flap at the base can be easily opened for maintenance and servicing work. The cover over the tap offers additional impact protection and provides shade when exposed to sunlight, thus reducing the risk of contamination.

The touch protection developed by BEULCO and protected by a utility model prevents direct access to the outlet nozzle and thus reduces the risk of contamination.  The attractive and modern design ensures that the drinking water fountains blend in perfectly with the cityscape. The fountain can be used by all groups of people thanks to the clear labeling, the integration of Braille and the ergonomic height of the operating button - because water is a human right and should therefore be available to everyone.