Safe drinking water supply at the funfair
DIN 2001-2 has now been in existence for almost 15 years. It "supplements the comprehensive set of regulations for centralized public drinking water supply with the aim of defining technical requirements and operating methods that ensure perfect drinking water quality in accordance with the Drinking Water Ordinance, even in the case of non-stationary systems." This makes it one of the most important sets of regulations when it comes to the safety and hygiene of our drinking water.
Netzgesellschaft Gütersloh as water supplier and the city of Gütersloh act as role models. As the operator of a number of events taking place in the city of Gütersloh, we want to fulfill our responsibility as stipulated in the regulations.
Datum: 31.08.2023 | Lesezeit: 4. Min.
Responsibility of the supplier and operator
Netzgesellschaft Gütersloh and the city of Gütersloh serve as exemplary players in the implementation of these regulations. As water suppliers and operators of municipal events, they consistently implement the requirements of DIN 2001-2. In doing so, it is important to clearly define and understand the responsibilities.
In general, it is often assumed that the water supplier is responsible for the quality and safety of drinking water all the way to the consumer. However, according to DIN 2001-2, the water supplier is only responsible up to the first safety device, i.e. until the drinking water leaves the network (supply section 1). For mobile drinking water supply facilities, such as those used at events, this is usually the hydrant or the corresponding system separator.
From the safety device to the connection to drinks trolleys, sanitary facilities or food trolleys (supply section 2), responsibility for drinking water quality lies with the operator or organizer, in this case the city of Gütersloh, for example.
It is also important that the operator of the subsequently connected facility, such as a snack stand, installs the system correctly within the supply section. As such systems are often only operated seasonally or irregularly and have longer stagnation times, correct installation and regular maintenance are crucial to prevent possible contamination.
The solution
Simple, safe and easy
The Pfingstkirmes in Gütersloh relied on an innovative solution to ensure drinking water quality. BEULCO drinking water connection units equipped with up to 10 system separators were used for the first time. The water was taken from the drinking water network via standpipes with safety devices and fed into the connection unit. Only from this connection unit was each individual fairground stand supplied with water via a certified drinking water hose.
This innovative solution ensures that no impurities can flow back into the drinking water network and that no non-drinking water can enter the network due to pressure surges. Netzgesellschaft Gütersloh thus consistently relies on high-quality products and solutions that not only comply with technical regulations, but also bring drinking water to the consumer easily and safely.
The mobile drinking water supply at events such as the Pfingstkirmes in Gütersloh shows that compliance with DIN 2001-2 is crucial to ensure the safety and hygiene of our drinking water, even in non-fixed systems. With innovative solutions and a clear understanding of responsibilities, water suppliers, operators and event organizers can work together to ensure that our drinking water always meets the highest quality standards.