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Emergency supply and drinking water quality

Emergency care and its challenges

Drinking water quality in Germany

In Germany, strict requirements are placed on drinking water quality, which must be maintained even in extreme situations such as natural disasters. A drastic example of this was the flood disaster in the Ahr valley in summer 2021.

Date: 27.10.2023 | Reading time: 5 Min.

Germ-free water in crisis areas

High standards apply in Germany with regard to drinking water quality. These must also be complied with if the infrastructure is so severely damaged, for example by a natural disaster, that an emergency supply has to be set up, as happened in the Ahr valley in summer 2021, for example. The cleaning and sterilization of the supply line is always the responsibility of the person who takes the drinking water from the water supplier's supply line or from a drinking water container provided. In German civil protection, the THW works together with many other players, including the DRK, BRK, MHD and DLRG, who are responsible in particular for feeding the affected population.   

The logistics team of the THW Friedberg (Hesse) is one of those responsible for feeding the fire department, rescue services, police and other aid organizations in crisis regions and emergency situations. As specialists in the background, the volunteers carry out maintenance and servicing tasks, take on transportation tasks and provide up to 250 men and women with meals and drinks using a mobile field kitchen. As one of 668 local branches of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief, the Friedberg (Hesse) local branch can be deployed nationwide. The local association's area of operation extends from the Friedberg area across the Taunus to the Rheingau, the cities of Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Offenbach and the district of Offenbach.

Drinking water quality must be safe even in crisis situations

Although the operations often involve absolutely exceptional situations, the drinking water provided by the THW and used to prepare food must meet all quality requirements. Whether it is taken directly from a standpipe or delivered using tank containers: The requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance regarding the quality of the water and the disinfection of the drinking water pipes must be complied with. The same applies to the hygiene regulations in accordance with HACCP. Regular cleaning of the hoses and water inlets and outlets is therefore essential. 

In recent years, the already high legal requirements for hygiene in the provision of food and drinking water have become even stricter. In view of this, the Friedberg (Hesse) local association was looking for a solution for disinfecting drinking water when providing or collecting water for the specialist logistics catering group deployed in emergency situations. On the one hand, it was important to be able to disinfect a wide variety of hoses after use. On the other hand, the legally prescribed separation of the drinking water and food areas also had to be ensured. This means that different measuring instruments should be used for each area.

Drinking water disinfection with sodium hypochlorite ensures water quality

This is where the BEULCO disinfection system really comes into its own. One of the greatest advantages of the equipment is the ability to record the measured values via the redox voltage and thus simultaneously verify the disinfection. Alternative disinfection methods, such as using hydrogen peroxide, compressed air or purely mechanical cleaning, generally do not offer this option. In addition, the BEULCO system works completely independently without electricity or compressed air. All that is required is a water pressure of 4 to 6 bar and a drinking water hose with a diameter of at least 1/2". 

Disinfection itself is carried out both mechanically and chemically. For mechanical cleaning, so-called mulching is used. This involves using water power to push balls through the hoses, which remove coarse soiling such as biofilm and solid deposits. This is followed by a sensory check for turbidity in the drinking water and chemical cleaning with a 3% injection of disinfectant. This ensures that all microorganisms remaining inside the hose are removed. A second sensory check ensures that the water is in perfect condition with regard to its odor. Compared to exclusively mechanical or chemical cleaning, this procedure has the advantage that even stubborn dirt is loosened and washed out of the hoses.

Thorough disinfection without long exposure times

Explicit specialist knowledge is not required to operate the BEULCO disinfection system. The sodium hypochlorite-based disinfectant is not a hazardous substance and can therefore be used by THW volunteers without any problems. The technology is simple and easy to maintain. In contrast to disinfection with hydrogen peroxide, no exposure time is required. This makes the BEULCO process much faster. The system is also easy to transport, making it ideal for typical THW applications. 

By replacing the probe, the enclosed redox measuring device can record the water quality not only via the redox value, but also via a temperature/PH probe. 


Training enables practical application 

The Friedberg (Hesse) local unit was impressed by the benefits of the disinfection system and will use it in future operations to ensure drinking water hygiene by the logistics catering unit. During a training session, the participants were trained in the handling and function of the system. The measuring technology and handling of the system were discussed, as were the various connection options for hoses with different couplings. All participants were able to see for themselves how easy it is to operate the system and take the opportunity to clean a few hoses.

Wide range of applications in the THW's spectrum of tasks

The BEULCO disinfection system is not only suitable for use in the area of logistics catering, but also for the general disinfection of drinking water pipes and systems as well as for cleaning sanitary and shower containers. This enables the THW to respond to crisis situations in an adapted and task-oriented manner and to react optimally to the individual needs on site.